We reached out to Scott McCutchin, Airplane and Powerplant Mechanic for the Spring City Aviation and asked him some questions about his aviation journey and what lead him to a career as an aviation professional. Here is the interview…
What is your present career in aviation?
I am an Aircraft Mechanic for Spring City Aviation at the Baraboo/Dells airport, performing airframe and engine servicing and repair.
What inspired you to get involved in aviation?
I have always loved aviation since I was a child, members of my family were military aircrew members and told fascinating stories of flying and the experiences associated with it.
What’s your greatest achievement in aviation?
My greatest achievement in aviation has been to pass down my knowledge to the next generation. I have had the opportunity to manage and train people in aircraft maintenance and watching them grow and master the arts of aircraft maintenance has been very satisfying.
Do you have other goals you wish to achieve in aviation?
As I am currently converting my military aircraft maintenance skills to those of General Aviation, my goal is to one day master these new skills to the point of achieving the rating of an Inspection Authority.
What is one thing that you would want to say to people looking into aviation as a possible career?
A career in aviation will be very rewarding for a young person whatever the job. For those that seek a growing and everchanging environment of technology, science and camaraderie. Every day bring new adventure in the aviation world, from the parking ramp to the skies, and the adventures are shared with others with the same interests. In choosing a career in aviation you are assured that you will receive thorough and thoughtful training before you perform any task the first time and you will be mentored along your path to the job chosen. In aviation you are never left alone to “figure it out”, I know of no other industry where training and procedure discipline is so important. People are always willing to help you achieve your goals. The financial rewards in aviation are good as well, those that wish to be a pilot will need more monetary investment than those choosing a maintenance path.