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Guest Speaker Profile: Dan Bar, Commander of 115th Communication Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard

Lt Col Daniel J. Bar is the commander of the 115th Communications Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard, Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin. As Commander, he provides leadership and guidance for base communications and computer systems. He is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping of over 40 dual-status federal technicians, Title 5 civilians, active guard, and traditional guardsmen.

Lt Col Bar entered the Air Force in May 2009 as a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Prior to joining the Air National Guard, he served five years active duty. His assignment locations have been in Colorado and Wisconsin. He has been assigned as a Chief of Cryptology, a Flight Commander for a mobile space operations team, and now Commander. Prior to his current position, Major Bar was the Director of Cyberspace Operations and Maintenance, 128th Air Control Squadron, Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Camp Douglas, WI.

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