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Student Profile: Jocelyn Morales-Dominguez

Jocelyn is currently a student pilot and works at the Baraboo Dells Airport. Recently, we talked to her about her time as a student at SIA’s ground school and her plans for the future.

How did you find out about the Students in Aviation Foundation?

In the high school I went to in the Wisconsin Dells, they had daily announcements, and on them they had SIA. I decided to look into it and I ended up really liking it.

What made you want to go into a career in aviation?

For me, it was when I started using the flight simulators.

What was your favorite part of taking classes with SIA?

I like how [Joe Canepa] had people that were interested in aviation but had different careers around it come to talk to us.

What were some of the learning experiences you had with SIA that you want to take with you into your career?

We went to Oshkosh in July, and I got to meet a bunch of people and talk to them about my experience, and SIA, and the flight simulator. I even taught some of them how to use it, which was really fun.

What has been your process in reaching your goals in aviation?

I wanted to join the military, and I tried to go into the Air Force, but I was denied. I saw the student announcements and I looked into SIA, so I decided to go into that. We had a flight simulator at our school – I’m pretty sure SIA was the one who donated it – and I asked about it to see if they could get it fixed so I could use it during school.

What plans do you have for the future?

Eventually, I want to be a pilot. I’m not sure yet if I want commercial or corporate, but definitely a pilot.

What is one thing you would want to tell future students at SIA?

Using flight simulators is very different from flying, that’s for sure, but I would recommend it.

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