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SIA Participates in WTEA Convention

SIA was at the WTEA (Wisconsin Technical Education Association) this past week at Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells, WI. The show was a big hit for SIA! Over 10 school districts from as far away as Texas have requested flight simulators for students!! We couldn’t be more excited. Anna Eisen, Brad Pointon, Ryan Solverson and Joe Canepa (all SIA board members) attended the conference and answered questions from school districts about SIA. Special thanks goes out to Ryan Ubersox from MATC and Tom Barnhart WTEA Conference Coordinator for making this such a successful event for us!

Anna talking with teachers at the WTEA Convention in Wisconsin Dells

2 Comment on this post

  1. Joe, it was a pleasure to have you as a co-presenter for the “How to Start and Advise an Aviation Club” break-out session at the WTEA conference. Thank you, and your team, for providing details on how SIA provides support through educational materials, donations, and training to students who are interested in careers in aviation, as well as providing support to us teachers who are involved with promoting aviation in our schools. My students are also excited to have a flight simulator coming to the school in the near future. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for all the important work you do for the students Rob! It was a pleasure working with you on this even though you did all the work on the presentation! 🙂
      Looking forward to having your club visit the SIA office at the Baraboo-Dells airport!

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