$12,000 SIA/Ray Aviation Scholarship for available for SIA students

We’re thrilled to announce a $12,000 SIA/Ray Aviation Scholarship for SIA students! This opportunity is available to those aged 16-19 who have attended or will attend our ground school. Applications are due by February 7, 2025. Don’t miss out on this chance to fund your flight training and achieve your private pilot’s license. For more […]

Career Profile: Scott McCutchin

Scott working on a Cessna 310

We reached out to Scott McCutchin, Airplane and Powerplant Mechanic for the Spring City Aviation and asked him some questions about his aviation journey and what lead him to a career as an aviation professional. Here is the interview… What is your present career in aviation? I am an Aircraft Mechanic for Spring City Aviation […]

Career Profile: Brent Zimmerman, Aviation Mechanic

Brent Zimmerman, aviation mechanic A&P, IA

SIA has been interviewing aviation industry professionals in an effort to share all of the career paths for high school students to explore. Here is our interview with Brent Zimmerman, A&P and IP aviation mechanic located at the Baraboo-Dells airport’s Spring City Aviation facility. What is your present career in aviation? I’m working at Spring […]

Milton School District Receives Their SIA Sim

Milton students try out newly donated SIA Sim flight simulator

Library Media Tech Specialist & District Library Coordinator Christina Nording immediately saw the value of having a flight simulator for her students at the Milton Middle school. She applied for the free SIA Sim and now has a tool at the school for her students to explore aviation, “Exposing students to a flight simulator in […]

Career Profile: Ashley Campbell-Flight Instructor

SIA occasionally reaches out to people in the aviation industry and talks with them about their career journey. Ashley is one of those people! We recently talked with her about her journey so far. Ashley Campbell What is your present career in aviation? I’m the Assistant Chief Certified Flight Instructor at the Baraboo location for […]

Port Washington High School Receives SIA Sim

Port Washington High School students posing with Joe Canepa and their new flight simulator

Technology Education Leader and Teacher Ryan Volke at Port Washington High School in Wisconsin received their free SIA Sim flight simulator. Ryan said “it was like Christmas for me and the students”. Joe Canepa delivered their SIA Sim Thursday and worked with Ryan and some of the eager aviation students on using the simulator in […]

Mineral Point School District Hosts Career Day

Student discusses aviation with SIA and Wisconsin National Guard representative

Mineral Point School District hosted a Career Day recently and invited Students In Aviation to attend. Wow! What a great event for middle and high school students to explore all career opportunities available to them. Over 60 organizations had booths there including SIA. Are you having a career day at your school? If so, reach […]

AOPA Foundation : Free STEM Curriculum

AOPA Foundation provides FREE STEM curriculum to high schools and middle school educators UNLOCKING CAREER PATHWAYS FOR STUDENTS According to Boeing’s Pilot and Technician Outlook, the world will need over 600,000 new pilots and nearly 700,000 new technicians in the next 20 years. Schools and districts nationwide must prepare students for these high-paying, rewarding careers […]

Student Profile: Jocelyn Morales-Dominguez

Jocelyn is currently a student pilot and works at the Baraboo Dells Airport. Recently, we talked to her about her time as a student at SIA’s ground school and her plans for the future. How did you find out about the Students in Aviation Foundation? In the high school I went to in the Wisconsin […]

Student Profile: Will Pointon

Will was in the one of the first groups of students taught at SIA’s ground school. He is a certified Airplane and Powerplant Mechanic and attending college to gain his Avionics Certification. We spoke with him about his goals in aviation. How did you find SIA? That’s a tough one to answer, actually. My dad’s […]

Good Hope Middle School Update

Good Hope Middle School Students using SIA Sim

Good Hope Middle School in West Monroe, LA is getting lots of use out of their SIA Sim! Career and Technical Education Teacher Russell White says “The students love the flight simulator.  We have had to close it down the last few weeks due to another competition.  They ask daily when I’ll open it back […]

AOPA Announces New Scholarship Availability

Airplane and Pilots Association (AOPA) has announced the availability of scholarships to flight training students. Please check out this website for more information on how to apply at https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/students/aopa-flight-training-scholarships. The deadline for application submission is February 7th, 2025.

Janesville Craig High School Students Receive New SIA Sim Flight Simulator

Janesville Craig High School student using their new SIA Sim

Students in Aviation donated another flight simulator to Janesville Craig High School last week. The students are already getting a lot of use out of the simulator according to teacher Andrew Udell. We look forward to working with the Janesville School District to bring students into aviation careers!

SIA Visits Fox Valley Technical College

Fox Valley Tech A&P Hangar

Joe Canepa, SIA CEO, visited Fox Valley Technical College’s Spanbauer Center at Oshkosh Airport this past week. Eric Mandel, Enrollment Facilitator and Services, and Mary Retlich, Administrative Assistant Aviation and Construction, showed SIA the facilities for students including areas for Pilot Training, Aircraft Electronics, Airplane and Powerplant Mechanics, and Aviation Management. Fox Valley has a […]

New Batch of SIA Sims are Ready for Delivery

SIA Sims lined up ready to ship

6 new flight simulators are ready for delivery! We are working on the other 5 simulators which should be ready to ship in June. Please contact us if you are waiting for your simulator so we can make arrangements for pickup or delivery (we’d love to fly the sim to you!). These are the new […]

SIA Student Profile: Kadence Funmaker

We recently talked with Kadence about her future in aviation. She is the recipient of the SIA/Ray Aviation $11,000 Scholarship and has already started her flight training. She started out in the SIA ground school that SIA holds at the Reedsburg airport. See her interview below. Why are you interested in aviation? From a very […]

SIA Students Use Latest Simulators for Training

The current SIA Class used the Sim Room at the Baraboo-Dells Airport this past week. Students learn the basics of flying using the simulators. SIA maintains 5 simulators at the Baraboo SIA office located at the airport.

AOPA Foundation High School Student Scholarships for Aviation Students

Time is running out to apply for a wide array of aviation scholarship opportunities from the AOPA Foundation. Whether you’re a high school student, educator, or seasoned pilot, our scholarships are tailor-made to accelerate your journey in aviation. Don’t miss this chance to fuel your aviation journey and turn your aspirations into reality. High School […]